CloudNativePG: An easy way to run PostgreSQL on Kubernetes


Kubernetes is now the de facto platform for orchestrating stateless applications. Containers that don't store data can be destroyed and easily recreated elsewhere. On the other hand, running persistent applications in an ephemeral environment can be quite challenging. There is an increasing number of mature cloud-native database solutions (like CockroachDB, TiDB, K8ssandra, Strimzi...) and there are a lot of things to consider when evaluating them:

  • How mature is the operator?
  • What do the CRDs look like, which options, settings, and status do they expose?
  • Which Kubernetes storage APIs does it leverage? (PV/PVC, CSI, snapshots...)
  • Can it differentiate HDD and SSD, local/remote storage?
  • What happens when something goes wrong: how resilient is the system?
  • Backup and recovery: how easy is it to perform and schedule backups?
  • What replication and scaling options are available?
  • What about connection and concurrency limits, connection pooling, bouncers?
  • Observability: what metrics are exposed and how?

I was looking for a solution to host a PostgreSQL database. This database is a requirement for a ticket reservation software named that's being used for an upcoming event: The Kubernetes Community Days France. (By the way you're welcome to submit a talk 👐, the CFP closes soon).

I was specifically looking for a cloud-agnostic solution, with emphasis on ease of use. I was already familiar with several Kubernetes operators, and I ended up evaluating a fairly new kid on the block: CloudNativePG.

CloudNativePG is the Kubernetes operator that covers the full lifecycle of a highly available PostgreSQL database cluster with a primary/standby architecture, using native streaming replication.

It has been created by the company EnterpriseDB, who submitted it to the CNCF in order to join the Sandbox projects.

🎯 Our target

I'm going to give you an introduction to the main CloudNativePG features. The plan is to:

  • create a PostgreSQL database on a GKE cluster,
  • add a standby instance,
  • run a few resiliency tests.

We will also see how it behaves in terms of performances and what are the observability tools available. Finally we'll have a look to the backup/restore methods.


In this article, we will create and update everything manually; but in production, we probably should use a GitOps engine, for instance Flux (which has been covered in a previous article).

If you want to see a complete end-to-end example, you can look at the KCD France infrastructure repository.

All the manifests shown in this article can be found in this repository.

☑️ Requirements

📥 Tooling

  • gcloud SDK: we're going to deploy on Google Cloud (specifically, on GKE) and we will need to create a few resources in our GCP project; so we'll need the Google Cloud SDK and CLI. If needed, you can install and configure it using this documentation.

  • kubectl plugin: to facilitate cluster management, CloudNativePG comes with a handy kubectl plugin that gives insights of your PostgreSQL instance and allows to perform some operations. It can be installed using krew as follows:

1kubectl krew install cnpg

☁️ Create the Google cloud requirements

Before creating our PostgreSQL instance, we need to configure a few things:

  • We need a Kubernetes cluster. This article assumes that you have already taken care of provisioning a GKE cluster.
  • We'll create a bucket to store the backups and WAL files.
  • We'll grant permissions to our pods so that they can write to that bucket.

Create the bucket using gcloud CLI

 1gcloud storage buckets create --location=eu --default-storage-class=coldline gs://cnpg-ogenki
 2Creating gs://cnpg-ogenki/...
 4gcloud storage buckets describe gs://cnpg-ogenki
 6name: cnpg-ogenki
 8  entity: project-owners-xxxx0008
 9projectNumber: 'xxx00008'
10rpo: DEFAULT
12storageClass: STANDARD
13timeCreated: '2022-10-15T19:27:54.364000+00:00'
14updated: '2022-10-15T19:27:54.364000+00:00'

Now, we're going to give the permissions to the pods (PostgreSQL server) to write/read from the bucket using Workload Identity.


The GKE cluster should be configured with Workload Identity enabled. Check your cluster configuration, you should get something with this command:

1gcloud container clusters describe <cluster_name> --format json --zone <zone> | jq .workloadIdentityConfig
3  "workloadPool": "{{ gcp_project }}"

Create a Google Cloud service account

1gcloud iam service-accounts create cloudnative-pg --project={{ gcp_project }}
2Created service account [cloudnative-pg].

Assign the storage.admin permission to the serviceaccount

1gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding {{ gcp_project }} \
2--member "serviceAccount:cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}" \
3--role "roles/storage.admin"
5- members:
6  - serviceAccount:cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}
7  role: roles/storage.admin
8etag: BwXrGA_VRd4=
9version: 1

Allow the Kubernetes service account to impersonate the IAM service account.
ℹ️ ensure you use the proper format serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[{{ kubernetes_namespace }}/{{ kubernetes_serviceaccount }}]

1gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }} \
2--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser --member "serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[demo/ogenki]"
3Updated IAM policy for serviceAccount [cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}].
5- members:
6  - serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[demo/ogenki]
7  role: roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
8etag: BwXrGBjt5kQ=
9version: 1

We're ready to create the Kubernetes resources 💪

🔑 Create the users secrets

We need to create the users credentials that will be used during the bootstrap process (more info later on): The superuser and the newly created database owner.

1kubectl create secret generic cnpg-mydb-superuser --from-literal=username=postgres --from-literal=password=foobar --namespace demo
2secret/cnpg-mydb-superuser created
1kubectl create secret generic cnpg-mydb-user --from-literal=username=smana --from-literal=password=barbaz --namespace demo
2secret/cnpg-mydb-user created

🛠️ Deploy the CloudNativePG operator using Helm

CloudNativePG is basically a Kubernetes operator which comes with some CRDs. We'll use the Helm chart as follows

1helm repo add cnpg
3helm upgrade --install cnpg --namespace cnpg-system \
4--create-namespace charts/cloudnative-pg
6kubectl get po -n cnpg-system
7NAME                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
8cnpg-74488f5849-8lhjr   1/1     Running     0          6h17m

Here are the Custom Resource Definitions installed along with the operator.

1kubectl get crds | grep                       2022-10-08T16:15:14Z                      2022-10-08T16:15:14Z                       2022-10-08T16:15:14Z              2022-10-08T16:15:14Z

For a full list of the available parameters for these CRDs please refer to the API reference.

🚀 Create a PostgreSQL server


Now we can create our first instance using a custom resource Cluster. The following definition is pretty simple: we want to start a PostgreSQL server, automatically create a database named mydb and configure the credentials based on the secrets created previously.

 2kind: Cluster
 4  name: ogenki
 5  namespace: demo
 7  description: "PostgreSQL Demo Ogenki"
 8  imageName:
 9  instances: 1
11  bootstrap:
12    initdb:
13      database: mydb
14      owner: smana
15      secret:
16        name: cnpg-mydb-user
18  serviceAccountTemplate:
19    metadata:
20      annotations:
21 cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}
23  superuserSecret:
24    name: cnpg-mydb-superuser
26  storage:
27    storageClass: standard
28    size: 10Gi
30  backup:
31    barmanObjectStore:
32      destinationPath: "gs://cnpg-ogenki"
33      googleCredentials:
34        gkeEnvironment: true
35    retentionPolicy: "30d"
37  resources:
38    requests:
39      memory: "1Gi"
40      cpu: "500m"
41    limits:
42      memory: "1Gi"

Create the namespace where our PostgreSQL instance will be deployed

1kubectl create ns demo
2namespace/demo created

Change the above cluster manifest to fit your needs and apply it.

1kubectl apply -f cluster.yaml created

You'll notice that the cluster will be in initializing phase. Let's use the cnpg plugin for the first time, it will become our best friend to display a neat view of the cluster's status.

 1kubectl cnpg status ogenki -n demo
 2Cluster Summary
 3Primary server is initializing
 4Name:              ogenki
 5Namespace:         demo
 6PostgreSQL Image:
 7Primary instance:   (switching to ogenki-1)
 8Status:            Setting up primary Creating primary instance ogenki-1
 9Instances:         1
10Ready instances:   0
12Certificates Status
13Certificate Name    Expiration Date                Days Left Until Expiration
14----------------    ---------------                --------------------------
15ogenki-ca           2023-01-13 20:02:40 +0000 UTC  90.00
16ogenki-replication  2023-01-13 20:02:40 +0000 UTC  90.00
17ogenki-server       2023-01-13 20:02:40 +0000 UTC  90.00
19Continuous Backup status
20First Point of Recoverability:  Not Available
21No Primary instance found
22Streaming Replication status
23Not configured
25Instances status
26Name  Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS  Manager Version  Node
27----  -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---  ---------------  ----

The first thing that runs under the hood is the bootstrap process. In our example we create a brand new database named mydb with an owner smana and credentials are retrieved from the secret we created previously.

2  bootstrap:
3    initdb:
4      database: mydb
5      owner: smana
6      secret:
7        name: cnpg-mydb-user
1kubectl get po -n demo
2NAME                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
3ogenki-1                0/1     Running     0          55s
4ogenki-1-initdb-q75cz   0/1     Completed   0          2m32s

After a few seconds the cluster becomes ready 👏

 1kubectl cnpg status ogenki -n demo
 2Cluster Summary
 3Name:               ogenki
 4Namespace:          demo
 5System ID:          7154833472216277012
 6PostgreSQL Image:
 7Primary instance:   ogenki-1
 8Status:             Cluster in healthy state
 9Instances:          1
10Ready instances:    1
14Instances status
15Name      Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS        Manager Version  Node
16----      -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---        ---------------  ----
17ogenki-1  33 MB          0/17079F8    Primary           OK      Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-xczh

There are many ways of bootstrapping your cluster. For instance, restoring a backup into a brand new instance, running SQL scripts... more info here.

🩹 Standby instance and resiliency


In traditional PostgreSQL architectures we usually find an additional component to handle high availability (e.g. Patroni). A specific aspect of the CloudNativePG operator is that it leverages built-in Kubernetes features and relies on a component named Postgres instance manager.

Add a standby instance by setting the number of replicas to 2.

1kubectl edit cluster -n demo ogenki edited
2kind: Cluster
5  instances: 2

The operator immediately notices the change, adds a standby instance, and starts the replication process.

 1kubectl cnpg status -n demo ogenki
 2Cluster Summary
 3Name:               ogenki
 4Namespace:          demo
 5System ID:          7155095145869606932
 6PostgreSQL Image:
 7Primary instance:   ogenki-1
 8Status:             Creating a new replica Creating replica ogenki-2-join
 9Instances:          2
10Ready instances:    1
11Current Write LSN:  0/1707A30 (Timeline: 1 - WAL File: 000000010000000000000001)
1kubectl get po -n demo
2NAME                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
3ogenki-1              1/1     Running   0          3m16s
4ogenki-2-join-xxrwx   0/1     Pending   0          82s

After a while (depending on the amount of data to replicate), the standby instance will be up and running and we can see the replication statistics.

 1kubectl cnpg status -n demo ogenki
 2Cluster Summary
 3Name:               ogenki
 4Namespace:          demo
 5System ID:          7155095145869606932
 6PostgreSQL Image:
 7Primary instance:   ogenki-1
 8Status:             Cluster in healthy state
 9Instances:          2
10Ready instances:    2
11Current Write LSN:  0/3000060 (Timeline: 1 - WAL File: 000000010000000000000003)
15Streaming Replication status
16Name      Sent LSN   Write LSN  Flush LSN  Replay LSN  Write Lag  Flush Lag  Replay Lag  State      Sync State  Sync Priority
17----      --------   ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----      ----------  -------------
18ogenki-2  0/3000060  0/3000060  0/3000060  0/3000060   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0
20Instances status
21Name      Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS        Manager Version  Node
22----      -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---        ---------------  ----
23ogenki-1  33 MB          0/3000060    Primary           OK      Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-76k7
24ogenki-2  33 MB          0/3000060    Standby (async)   OK      Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-xszc

Let's promote the standby instance to primary (perform a Switchover).


The cnpg plugin allows to do this imperatively by running this command

1kubectl cnpg promote ogenki ogenki-2 -n demo
2Node ogenki-2 in cluster ogenki will be promoted

In my case the switchover was really fast. We can check that the instance ogenki-2 is now the primary and that the replication is done the other way around.

 1kubectl cnpg status -n demo ogenki
 3Status:             Switchover in progress Switching over to ogenki-2
 4Instances:          2
 5Ready instances:    1
 7Streaming Replication status
 8Name      Sent LSN   Write LSN  Flush LSN  Replay LSN  Write Lag  Flush Lag  Replay Lag  State      Sync State  Sync Priority
 9----      --------   ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ----------  -----      ----------  -------------
10ogenki-1  0/4004CA0  0/4004CA0  0/4004CA0  0/4004CA0   00:00:00   00:00:00   00:00:00    streaming  async       0
12Instances status
13Name      Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status  QoS        Manager Version  Node
14----      -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------  ---        ---------------  ----
15ogenki-2  33 MB          0/4004CA0    Primary           OK      Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-xszc
16ogenki-1  33 MB          0/4004CA0    Standby (async)   OK      Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-76k7

Now let's simulate a Failover by deleting the primary pod

1kubectl delete po -n demo --grace-period 0 --force ogenki-2
2Warning: Immediate deletion does not wait for confirmation that the running resource has been terminated. The resource may continue to run on the cluster indefinitely.
3pod "ogenki-2" force deleted
 1Cluster Summary
 2Name:               ogenki
 3Namespace:          demo
 4System ID:          7155095145869606932
 5PostgreSQL Image:
 6Primary instance:   ogenki-1
 7Status:             Failing over Failing over from ogenki-2 to ogenki-1
 8Instances:          2
 9Ready instances:    1
10Current Write LSN:  0/4005D98 (Timeline: 3 - WAL File: 000000030000000000000004)
13Instances status
14Name      Database Size  Current LSN  Replication role  Status             QoS        Manager Version  Node
15----      -------------  -----------  ----------------  ------             ---        ---------------  ----
16ogenki-1  33 MB          0/40078D8    Primary           OK                 Burstable  1.18.0           gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-76k7
17ogenki-2  -              -            -                 pod not available  Burstable  -                gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-xszc

After a few seconds, the cluster becomes healthy again

1kubectl get cluster -n demo
2NAME     AGE   INSTANCES   READY   STATUS                     PRIMARY
3ogenki   13m   2           2       Cluster in healthy state   ogenki-1

So far so good, we've been able to test the high availability and the experience is pretty smooth 😎.

👁️ Monitoring

We're going to use Prometheus Stack. We won't cover its installation in this article. If you want to see how to install it "the GitOps way" you can check this example.

To scrape our instance's metrics, we need to create a PodMonitor.

 2kind: PodMonitor
 4  labels:
 5    prometheus-instance: main
 6  name: cnpg-ogenki
 7  namespace: demo
 9  namespaceSelector:
10    matchNames:
11    - demo
12  podMetricsEndpoints:
13  - port: metrics
14  selector:
15    matchLabels:
16      postgresql: ogenki

We can then add the Grafana dashboard available here.


Finally, you may want to configure alerts and you can create a PrometheusRule using these rules.

🔥 Performances and benchmark


Update: It is now possible to use the cnpg plugin. The following method is deprecated, I'll update it asap.

This is worth running a performance test in order to know the limits of your current server and keep a baseline for further improvements.


When it comes to performance there are many improvement areas we can work on. It mostly depends on the target we want to achieve. Indeed we don't want to waste time and money for performance we'll likely never need.

Here are the main things to look at:

  • PostgreSQL configuration tuning
  • Compute resources (cpu and memory)
  • Disk type IOPS, local storage (local-volume-provisioner),
  • Dedicated disks for WAL and PG_DATA
  • Connection pooling PGBouncer. The CloudNativePG comes with a CRD Pooler to handle that.
  • Database optimization, analyzing the query plans using explain, use the extension pg_stat_statement ...

First of all we'll add labels to the nodes in order to run the pgbench command on different machines than the ones hosting the database.

1PG_NODE=$(kubectl get po -n demo -l postgresql=ogenki,role=primary -o jsonpath={.items[0].spec.nodeName})
2kubectl label node ${PG_NODE} workload=postgresql
3node/gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-vlzm labeled
6# Choose any other node different than the ${PG_NODE}
7kubectl label node gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-p5d7 workload=pgbench
8node/gke-kcdfrance-main-np-0e87115b-p5d7 labeled

And we'll deploy the Helm chart as follows

 1git clone
 2cd cnp-bench
 4cat > pgbench-benchmark/myvalues.yaml <<EOF
 6  existingCluster: true
 7  existingHost:  ogenki-rw
 8  existingCredentials: cnpg-mydb-superuser
 9  existingDatabase: mydb
12  # Node where to run pgbench
13  nodeSelector:
14    workload: pgbench
15  initialize: true
16  scaleFactor: 1
17  time: 600
18  clients: 10
19  jobs: 1
20  skipVacuum: false
21  reportLatencies: false
24helm upgrade --install -n demo pgbench -f pgbench-benchmark/myvalues.yaml  pgbench-benchmark/

There are different services depending on wether you want to read and write or read only.

1kubectl get ep -n demo
2NAME        ENDPOINTS                          AGE
3ogenki-any,    15d
4ogenki-r,    15d
5ogenki-ro                   15d
6ogenki-rw                     15d


 1kubectl logs -n demo job/pgbench-pgbench-benchmark -f
 2Defaulted container "pgbench" out of: pgbench, wait-for-cnp (init), pgbench-init (init)
 3pgbench (14.1, server 14.5 (Debian 14.5-2.pgdg110+2))
 4starting vacuum...end.
 5transaction type: <builtin: TPC-B (sort of)>
 6scaling factor: 1
 7query mode: simple
 8number of clients: 10
 9number of threads: 1
10duration: 600 s
11number of transactions actually processed: 545187
12latency average = 11.004 ms
13initial connection time = 111.585 ms
14tps = 908.782896 (without initial connection time)

💽 Backup and Restore


Writing backups and WAL files to the GCP bucket is possible because we gave the permissions using an annotation in the pod's serviceaccount

1  serviceAccountTemplate:
2    metadata:
3      annotations:
4 cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}

We can first trigger an on-demand backup using the custom resource Backup

2kind: Backup
4  name: ogenki-now
5  namespace: demo
7  cluster:
8    name: ogenki
1kubectl apply -f backup.yaml created
4kubectl get backup -n demo
5NAME                      AGE   CLUSTER   PHASE       ERROR
6ogenki-now                36s   ogenki    completed

If you take a look at the Google Cloud Storage content you'll see an new directory that stores the base backups

1gcloud storage ls gs://cnpg-ogenki/ogenki/base

But most of the time we would want to have a scheduled backup. So let's configure a daily schedule.

 2kind: ScheduledBackup
 4  name: ogenki-daily
 5  namespace: demo
 7  backupOwnerReference: self
 8  cluster:
 9    name: ogenki
10  schedule: 0 0 0 * * *

Recoveries can only be done on new instances. Here we'll use the backup we've created previously to bootstrap a new instance with it.

 1gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }} \
 2--role roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser --member "serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[demo/ogenki-restore]"
 3Updated IAM policy for serviceAccount [cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}].
 5- members:
 6  - serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[demo/ogenki-restore]
 7  - serviceAccount:{{ gcp_project }}[demo/ogenki]
 8  role: roles/iam.workloadIdentityUser
 9etag: BwXrs755FPA=
10version: 1
 2kind: Cluster
 4  name: ogenki-restore
 5  namespace: demo
 7  instances: 1
 9  serviceAccountTemplate:
10    metadata:
11      annotations:
12 cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}
14  storage:
15    storageClass: standard
16    size: 10Gi
18  resources:
19    requests:
20      memory: "1Gi"
21      cpu: "500m"
22    limits:
23      memory: "1Gi"
25  superuserSecret:
26    name: cnpg-mydb-superuser
28  bootstrap:
29    recovery:
30      backup:
31        name: ogenki-now

We can notice a first pod that performs the full recovery from the backup.

1kubectl get po -n demo
2NAME                                   READY   STATUS      RESTARTS      AGE
3ogenki-1                               1/1     Running     1 (18h ago)   18h
4ogenki-2                               1/1     Running     0             18h
5ogenki-restore-1                       0/1     Init:0/1    0             0s
6ogenki-restore-1-full-recovery-5p4ct   0/1     Completed   0             51s

Then the new cluster becomes ready.

1kubectl get cluster -n demo
2NAME             AGE   INSTANCES   READY   STATUS                     PRIMARY
3ogenki           18h   2           2       Cluster in healthy state   ogenki-1
4ogenki-restore   80s   1           1       Cluster in healthy state   ogenki-restore-1

🧹 Cleanup

Delete the cluster

1kubectl delete cluster -n demo ogenki ogenki-restore "ogenki" deleted "ogenki-restore" deleted

Cleanup the IAM serviceaccount

1gcloud iam service-accounts delete cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}
2You are about to delete service account [cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}].
4Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  y
6deleted service account [cloudnative-pg@{{ gcp_project }}]

💭 final thoughts

I just discovered CloudNativePG and I only scratched the surface but one thing for sure is that managing PostgreSQL is really made easy. However choosing a database solution is a tough decision. Depending on the use case, the company constraints, the criticity of the application and the ops teams skills, there are plenty of options: Cloud managed databases, traditional bare metal installations, building the architecture with an Infrastructure As Code tool...

We may also consider using Crossplane and composition to give an opinionated way of declaring managed databases in cloud providers but that requires more configuration.

CloudNativePG shines by its simplicity: it is easy to run and easy to understand. Furthermore the documentation is excellent (one of the best I ever seen!), especially for such a young open source project (Hopefuly this will help in the CNCF Sandbox acceptance process 🤞).

If you want to learn more about it, there was a presentation on about it at KubeCon NA 2022.
