Customize the kubeadm image repository

A deep dive into the Kubernetes source code

Seyed Sajjad Tak Tehrani


As of version 1.26.0, by default, kubeadm pulls images from for the cluster components.

root@host:~# kubeadm config images list

I needed to set up a proxy-cache repository for these images using Harbor to proxy and cache images from and to provide the alternative imageRepository to be used instead of
I did so by using kubeadm with a configuration file.

# kubeadm-config.yml
kind: ClusterConfiguration

After this change, I expected to see this list as a result:

root@host:~# kubeadm config images list --config=./kubeadm-config.yml

Instead, I got this list as a result:

root@host:~# kubeadm config images list --config=./kubeadm-config.yml

Everything looks good except the CoreDNS image; try pulling , and you will encounter the not found error!
Harbor converts to and tries to pull it, but there is no image available with this reference as it is moved from to .

Wait, what just happened?!
I will dive deep into the kubeadm source code to answer the question above.


If you need the solution, use this ClusterConfiguration instead:

# kubeadm-config.yml
kind: ClusterConfiguration

Deep Dive

How is the images list generated?
Let’s dive in!
Running the command kubeadm config images list calls the following method defined for ImagesList struct.


return imagesList.Run(out, printer)

The ImagesList struct holds InitConfiguration .


// ImagesList defines the struct used for "kubeadm config images list"
type ImagesList struct {
cfg *kubeadmapi.InitConfiguration

And the InitConfiguration struct holds ClusterConfiguration .


// InitConfiguration contains a list of fields that are specifically "kubeadm init"-only runtime
// information. The cluster-wide config is stored in ClusterConfiguration. The InitConfiguration
// object IS NOT uploaded to the kubeadm-config ConfigMap in the cluster, only the
// ClusterConfiguration is.
type InitConfiguration struct {

// ClusterConfiguration holds the cluster-wide information, and embeds that struct (which can be (un)marshalled separately as well)
// When InitConfiguration is marshalled to bytes in the external version, this information IS NOT preserved (which can be seen from
// the `json:"-"` tag in the external variant of these API types.
ClusterConfiguration `json:"-"`

// BootstrapTokens is respected at `kubeadm init` time and describes a set of Bootstrap Tokens to create.
BootstrapTokens []bootstraptokenv1.BootstrapToken

// NodeRegistration holds fields that relate to registering the new control-plane node to the cluster
NodeRegistration NodeRegistrationOptions

// LocalAPIEndpoint represents the endpoint of the API server instance that's deployed on this control plane node
// In HA setups, this differs from ClusterConfiguration.ControlPlaneEndpoint in the sense that ControlPlaneEndpoint
// is the global endpoint for the cluster, which then loadbalances the requests to each individual API server. This
// configuration object lets you customize what IP/DNS name and port the local API server advertises it's accessible
// on. By default, kubeadm tries to auto-detect the IP of the default interface and use that, but in case that process
// fails you may set the desired value here.
LocalAPIEndpoint APIEndpoint

// CertificateKey sets the key with which certificates and keys are encrypted prior to being uploaded in
// a secret in the cluster during the uploadcerts init phase.
CertificateKey string

// SkipPhases is a list of phases to skip during command execution.
// The list of phases can be obtained with the "kubeadm init --help" command.
// The flag "--skip-phases" takes precedence over this field.
SkipPhases []string

// Patches contains options related to applying patches to components deployed by kubeadm during
// "kubeadm init".
Patches *Patches

The underlying ImagesList struct for the Run function is returned by the following function, which uses configutil.LoadOrDefaultInitConfiguration() to either get the default InitConfiguration or load it from a file (the file passed via --config flag in the kubeadm config images list command).


// NewImagesList returns the underlying struct for the "kubeadm config images list" command
func NewImagesList(cfgPath string, cfg *kubeadmapiv1.ClusterConfiguration) (*ImagesList, error) {
initcfg, err := configutil.LoadOrDefaultInitConfiguration(cfgPath, cmdutil.DefaultInitConfiguration(), cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not convert cfg to an internal cfg")

return &ImagesList{
cfg: initcfg,
}, nil

Now let’s take a look at the Run function.
It calls images.GetControlPlaneImages() with ClusterConfiguration from the ImagesList struct, which returns a list of container images kubeadm expects to use on a control plane node.


// Run runs the images command and writes the result to the io.Writer passed in
func (i *ImagesList) Run(out io.Writer, printer output.Printer) error {
imgs := images.GetControlPlaneImages(&i.cfg.ClusterConfiguration)

if err := printer.PrintObj(&outputapiv1alpha2.Images{Images: imgs}, out); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to print images")

return nil

Let’s take a look at GetControlPlaneImages() function.
For each core Kubernetes image, GetKubernetesImage() function is called with the component name and the ClusterConfiguration , which generates and returns the image for the components managed in the Kubernetes main repository, including the control-plane components and kube-proxy.


// GetControlPlaneImages returns a list of container images kubeadm expects to use on a control plane node
func GetControlPlaneImages(cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration) []string {
images := make([]string, 0)

// start with core kubernetes images
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeAPIServer, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeControllerManager, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeScheduler, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeProxy, cfg))

// pause is not available on the ci image repository so use the default image repository.
images = append(images, GetPauseImage(cfg))

// if etcd is not external then add the image as it will be required
if cfg.Etcd.Local != nil {
images = append(images, GetEtcdImage(cfg))

// Append the appropriate DNS images
images = append(images, GetDNSImage(cfg))

return images

Let’s take a look at GetKubernetesImage() function:


// GetKubernetesImage generates and returns the image for the components managed in the Kubernetes main repository,
// including the control-plane components and kube-proxy.
func GetKubernetesImage(image string, cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration) string {
repoPrefix := cfg.GetControlPlaneImageRepository()
kubernetesImageTag := kubeadmutil.KubernetesVersionToImageTag(cfg.KubernetesVersion)
return GetGenericImage(repoPrefix, image, kubernetesImageTag)

This function calls the GetGenericImage() function with the image repository, name, and tag to generate and return a platform-agnostic image.
The image repository is obtained using the cfg.GetControlPlaneImageRepository() function.
Let’s take a look at it:


// GetControlPlaneImageRepository returns name of image repository
// for control plane images (API,Controller Manager,Scheduler and Proxy)
// It will override location with CI registry name in case user requests special
// Kubernetes version from CI build area.
// (See: kubeadmconstants.DefaultCIImageRepository)
func (cfg *ClusterConfiguration) GetControlPlaneImageRepository() string {
if cfg.CIImageRepository != "" {
return cfg.CIImageRepository
return cfg.ImageRepository

This function will return the ImageRepository field of its received ClusterConfiguration struct, which is the imageRepository we defined in kubeadm-config.yml

So long, so good!

Now let’s get back to GetControlPlaneImages() function.


// GetControlPlaneImages returns a list of container images kubeadm expects to use on a control plane node
func GetControlPlaneImages(cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration) []string {
images := make([]string, 0)

// start with core kubernetes images
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeAPIServer, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeControllerManager, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeScheduler, cfg))
images = append(images, GetKubernetesImage(constants.KubeProxy, cfg))

// pause is not available on the ci image repository so use the default image repository.
images = append(images, GetPauseImage(cfg))

// if etcd is not external then add the image as it will be required
if cfg.Etcd.Local != nil {
images = append(images, GetEtcdImage(cfg))

// Append the appropriate DNS images
images = append(images, GetDNSImage(cfg))

return images

As you can see, the CoreDNS image reference is retrieved from the GetDNSImage() function.
Here’s the GetDNSImage() function:


// GetDNSImage generates and returns the image for CoreDNS.
func GetDNSImage(cfg *kubeadmapi.ClusterConfiguration) string {
// DNS uses default image repository by default
dnsImageRepository := cfg.ImageRepository
// unless an override is specified
if cfg.DNS.ImageRepository != "" {
dnsImageRepository = cfg.DNS.ImageRepository
// Handle the renaming of the official image from "" to "
if dnsImageRepository == kubeadmapiv1beta2.DefaultImageRepository {
dnsImageRepository = fmt.Sprintf("%s/coredns", dnsImageRepository)
// DNS uses an imageTag that corresponds to the DNS version matching the Kubernetes version
dnsImageTag := constants.CoreDNSVersion

// unless an override is specified
if cfg.DNS.ImageTag != "" {
dnsImageTag = cfg.DNS.ImageTag
return GetGenericImage(dnsImageRepository, constants.CoreDNSImageName, dnsImageTag)

This function uses the same imageRepository we defined in kubeadm-config.yml but with one difference!
Check this if clause:

// Handle the renaming of the official image from "" to "
if dnsImageRepository == kubeadmapiv1beta2.DefaultImageRepository {
dnsImageRepository = fmt.Sprintf("%s/coredns", dnsImageRepository)

If the imageRepository is the same as DefaultImageRepository, /coredns is attached to it; Since my imageRepository is not the same as DefaultImageRepositoryI missed this little tricky change!
The fix is simple; set imageRepository under dns key in the kubeadm-config.yml file to match this if clause:

// unless an override is specified
if cfg.DNS.ImageRepository != "" {
dnsImageRepository = cfg.DNS.ImageRepository

You may ask:
Why didn’t the Kubernetes contributors handle this?!
The answer is simple: Backward Compatibility.
See this PR for more info.

I hope it helps you.
Please let me know your thoughts in the comments section below.

Thank you for your time and attention.



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DevOps Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer, Software Engineer, Solution Architect and Technical Content Writer | LinkedIn @ssttehrani