Learn Kubernetes weekly — issue 4

7 Dec 2022

TL;DR: Don't miss the case study on readiness probes from the team at DoorDash and load testing at 20k req/s with Locust!

  1. Using GitLab as a convenient Helm charts repository

    Pavel Stratnev

    A tutorial guiding you through setting up GitLab Package Registry to store your Helm charts in a centralized fashion.

  2. How to secure cloud-native applications

    Kayode Adeniyi

    This article contains a list of useful risks and mitigations for securing workloads in Kubernetes.

  3. Kustomize best practices

    Paul Dally

    In this two-part article, you will find a collection of best practices for Kustomize.

  4. Migrating our cron jobs to Kubernetes

    Liam Wharton

    In this case study, you will learn how the Engineering team at Kudos migrated all of their scheduled tasks to Kubernetes CronJobs.

  5. Istio JWT authentication & authorization at the edge

    Jorge Reus

    This article covers:

    • What is a JWT, and why should you care?
    • Dissecting Istio's JWT edge authentication & authorization.
    • How to build an external authz service for Istio.
  6. How to handle Kubernetes health checks

    Andres Ivanov

    In this article, the team at DoorDash shares the lessons learned from not paying enough attention to the Kubernetes probes and how those contributed to an outage during Black Friday.

Articles worth checking out:

    • DevOps Engineer with RXMG

    • Salary: $140K to $170K a year

    • Location: remote from the United States

    • Tech stack: Kubernetes, GCP, AWS, Docker, SQL, PHP, Python, Terraform, Gitlab, Datadog

    • Software Engineer with NetApp

    • Salary: $105.57K to $129.03K a year

    • Location: remote from the United States

    • Tech stack: Kubernetes, SQL

    • Platform Engineer with ArborXR

    • Salary: $114K to $145K a year

    • Location: remote from the United States

    • Tech stack: Kubernetes, GCP, Docker, PHP, GraphQL, Pulumi, Gitlab

Discover more Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers →

  1. jthomperoo/predictive-horizontal-pod-autoscaler

    Predictive Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (PHPAs) are Horizontal Pod Autoscalers (HPAs) with extra predictive capabilities baked in, allowing you to apply statistical models to the results of HPA calculations to make proactive scaling decisions.

  2. groundcover-com/murre

    Murre is an on-demand, scaleable source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes.

    Murre fetchs CPU & memory resource metrics directly from the kubelet.

    It also enriches the resources with the relevant requests and limits from each PodSpec.

  3. acorn-io/acorn

    Acorn is a simple application deployment framework for Kubernetes:

    • One artifact across dev, test, and production.
    • Simple CLI and powerful API.
    • Runs on any Kubernetes cluster.
  4. oslabs-beta/neptune

    Neptune is a lightweight, open-source dev tool to get started with Kubernetes.

    It's an opinionated dashboard that makes your Kubernetes journey smoother.

  5. stakater/reloader

    Reloader is a Kubernetes controller that monitors changes in ConfigMap and Secrets and triggers rolling upgrades on Pods with their associated Deployment, StatefulSet or DaemonSet.

Other interesting projects:

Upcoming Kubernetes events

  1. Dec


    Kubeday Japan

    In-person conference organized by Linux Foundation.

    • Location: Yokohama, JP

    • This event requires an entrance fee

  2. Dec


    AKS + Azure stack HCI = a versatile application platform!

    Online meetup organized by Microsoft Reactor Bengaluru.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  3. Dec


    Azure, AKS, Kubernetes — oh my!

    In-person meetup organized by Super Tech Friday.

    • Location: Delft, NL

    • This is a free event.

  4. Dec


    Securing apps starts with securing Kubernetes

    Online webinar organized by F5 Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  5. Dec


    One YAML to rule them all (and prevent config drift)

    Online meetup organized by Platform Engineers Berlin.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  6. Jan


    Advanced Kubernetes course

    Online workshop organized by Learnk8s.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This event requires an entrance fee

Discover more Kubernetes events on Kube Events →

Until next time!

— Dan

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