Learn Kubernetes weekly — issue 6

21 Dec 2022

It's a very slow week as it's almost Christmas time! 🎅🤶

Merry Christmas from the team at Learnk8s and myself!

If you like the content, there are a few ways to support us:

  1. Scaling Kubernetes to thousands of CRDs

    Nic Cope

    In this post, you'll explore the limitations of running too many CRDs in your cluster and you could overcome them. Noteworthy:

    • Each CRD uses ~4MB of memory.
    • It takes 20 seconds for kubectl to discover the API with 300 API groups.
  2. Kubernetes-in-Kubernetes and the WEDOS PXE bootable server farm

    Andrei Kvapil

    Learn how you can simplify the management of data centers, thousands of physical servers, virtual machines and hosting for hundreds of thousands of sites with Kubernetes-in-Kubernetes (nested Kubernetes clusters).

  3. How did we upgrade our EKS clusters from 1.15 to 1.22 without Kubernetes knowledge?

    Safaa AlNabulsi

    In this case study, you'll learn how the team at AutoScout24 inherited an EKS cluster with almost 700 services and migrated it from version 1.15 to 1.22 without any prior knowledge of Kubernetes.

  4. Kubernetes driver for Docker buildx

    Akihiro Suda

    In this article, you will learn how Docker BuildX supports building images using BuildKit pods on a Kubernetes cluster.

  5. Top kubectl plugins


    This blog article cover 6 popular kubectl plugins:

    1. kubectx & kubens
    2. Ingress-nginx
    3. Cert-manager
    4. Popeye
    5. Kyverno
    6. kubectl-explore
  6. Deploy with kustomize, fluxcd and remote resources

    Davin Kevin

    Kustomize provides a mechanism to fetch remote resources (using git under the hood).

    This article will teach you how to use Kustomize and remote resources in FluxCD.

Articles worth checking out:

  1. GitOps fundamentals

    Codefresh University

    In this course, you will learn the basics of GitOps with ArgoCD and Argo Rollouts.

  2. Evaluating and improving the performance of your ingress controller

    Ali Mukadam

    In this article, you'll learn how to deploy the nginx-ingress, generate load using locust and capture the generated metrics.

    You'll then analyse them using Grafana, identify potential latency issues, and discuss how to mitigate them.

  3. Implement distributed tracing with Jaeger & Open Telemetry on Kubernetes

    Akash Jaiswal

    In this article, you'll learn how to implement distributed tracing for your apps running on Kubernetes using Open Telemetry & Jaeger.

    • DevOps Engineer with BrickBite

    • Salary: €50K to €70K a year

    • Location: remote from Germany

    • Tech stack: Kubernetes, On-premise, Gitlab, Ansible, Prometheus

    • DevOps Engineer with WealthKernel

    • Salary: $60K to $70K a year

    • Location: remote from the United Kingdom

    • Tech stack: Kubernetes, Azure, GCP, C#, Go, Python, Terraform

Discover more Kubernetes jobs on Kube Careers →

  1. kinvolk/inspektor-gadget

    Inspektor Gadget is a collection of tools to debug and inspect Kubernetes resources and apps.

    It manages the packaging, deployment and execution of eBPF programs and it automatically maps low-level kernel primitives to high-level Kubernetes resources.

  2. containers/oci-seccomp-bpf-hook

    This project provides an OCI hook to generate seccomp profiles by tracing the syscalls made by the container.

    The generated profile would allow all the syscalls made and deny every other syscall.

  3. helmfile/helmfile

    Helmfile is a declarative specification for deploying Helm charts.

    It lets you:

    • Keep a directory of chart value files and maintain changes in version control.
    • Apply CI/CD to configuration changes.
    • Periodically sync to avoid skew in environments.
  4. keyval-dev/odigos

    Odigos is an open-source observability control plane that allows developers to easily create and build their observability pipelines by abstracting away the complexities of technologies such as eBPF and OpenTelemetry.

  5. deluxeowl/subdomain-mapper-operator

    This operator patches an ingress to automatically create subdomains for services based on annotations.

Other interesting projects:

Upcoming Kubernetes events

  1. Dec


    The future of continuous delivery

    Online meetup organized by Cloud Native Türkiye & Kubernetes.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  2. Dec


    Kubernetes deployment tutorial

    Online webinar organized by Edureka Masterclass.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  3. Dec


    Correlating observability signals and advance troubleshooting tactics

    Online meetup organized by Cloud Native Türkiye & Kubernetes.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  4. Dec


    CKS bootcamp

    Online workshop organized by Cloud Technology Experts Inc.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This event requires an entrance fee

  5. Dec


    Ansible and Kubernetes deep dive

    Online meetup organized by ITGilde Tech-Talks.

    • This is a virtual event

    • This is a free event.

  6. Feb


    Advanced Kubernetes course

    In-person workshop organized by Learnk8s.

    • Location: Amsterdam, NL

    • This event requires an entrance fee

Discover more Kubernetes events on Kube Events →

Until next time!

— Dan

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