Amit Saha
Amit Saha

Authentication between microservices using Kubernetes identities

December 2020

Authentication between microservices using Kubernetes identities

This is part 4 of 4 of the Authentication and authorization in Kubernetes series. More

If your infrastructure consists of several applications interacting with each other, you might have faced the issue of securing communications between services to prevent unauthenticated requests.

Imagine having two apps:

  1. An API
  2. A data store

You might want the data store only to reply to requests to the API and reject requests from anywhere else.

How would the data store decide to allow or deny the request?

A popular approach is to request and pass identity tokens to every call within services.

So instead of issuing a request to the data store directly, you might need to go through an Authentication service first, retrieve a token and use that to authenticate your request to the data store.

There is a specific context associated with the token that allows the data store to accept a token from the API service and to reject it from elsewhere.

This context is used to permit or deny the request.

  • Imagine making a request to the API component.

    Imagine making a request to the API component.

  • The only way for the API to authenticate with the Data store is if it has a valid token. The API requests the token from the authorization server using its credentials.

    The only way for the API to authenticate with the Data store is if it has a valid token. The API requests the token from the authorization server using its credentials.

  • The API makes a request to the data store and attaches the token as a proof of a valid identity.

    The API makes a request to the data store and attaches the token as a proof of a valid identity.

  • The Data store validates the token with the authorization server before replying to the request.

    The Data store validates the token with the authorization server before replying to the request.

You have several options when it comes to implementing this authentication mechanism:

All the authentication and authorisation servers have to do is to:

  1. Authenticate the caller - The caller should have a valid and verifiable identity.
  2. Generate a token with a limited scope, validity and the desired audience.
  3. Validate a token - Service to service communication is allowed only if the token is legit for the two services involved.

Examples of dedicated software that allows you to implement authentication and authorisation infrastructure are tools such as Keycloak or Dex.

When you use Keycloack, you first:

  1. Login using your email and password — your identity is verified.
  2. A valid session is created for your user. The session might describe what groups you belong to.
  3. Every request is validated and you will be asked to log in again when it's invalid.

The same applies to two apps within your infrastructure.

  1. A backend component makes a request to Keycloack with its API key and secret to generate a session token.
  2. The backend makes a request to the second app using the session token.
  3. The second app retrieves the token from the request and validates it with Keycloak.
  4. If the token is valid, it replies to the request.

You might not have noticed, but Kubernetes offers the same primitives for implementing authentication and authorization with Service Accounts, Roles and RoleBindings.

Kubernetes as an authentication and authorization server

In Kubernetes, you assign identities using Service Accounts.

Users and Pods can use those identities as a mechanism to authenticate to the API and issue requests.

Service Accounts are then linked to Roles that grant access to resources.

If a Role grants access to create and delete Pods, you won't be able to amend Secrets, or create ConfigMaps — for example.

Could you use Service Accounts as a mechanism to authenticate requests between apps in the cluster?

What if the Kubernetes API could be used as an Authentication and Authorisation server?

Let's try that.

Creating the cluster

You will need access to a Kubernetes cluster with the Service Account Volume projection feature enabled.

Don't worry if you don't know what a Service Account Volume is — you will learn more about it later on in the article.

The Service Account Volume projection feature requires the Kubernetes API server to be running with specific API flags.

The support for different managed Kubernetes providers may vary.

However, you can start a local cluster with the volume projection feature enabled in minikube with:


minikube start \
  --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-signing-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/sa.key \
  --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-key-file=/var/lib/minikube/certs/ \
  --extra-config=apiserver.service-account-issuer=kubernetes/serviceaccount \

You should also clone this repository as it contains the demo source code that will be referred to in the article.

You will now deploy two services:

  1. You will refer to these services as the API service and the Data store.
  2. They are written in the Go programming language, and they communicate via HTTP.
  3. Each service runs in its namespaces and use dedicated Service Accounts identities.
  4. The data store replies to requests successfully only when the caller has a valid identity, else it rejects the request with an error.

Deploying the API component

The API service is a headless web application listening on port 8080.

When you make a request to it, the API component:

  1. Issues an HTTP GET request to the Data store with its Service Account identity.
  2. Forwards the response.

You can deploy the app and expose it as a Service in the cluster with:


kubectl apply -f service_accounts/api/deployment.yaml
namespace/api created
serviceaccount/api created
deployment.apps/app created
service/app created

You can retrieve the URL of the API service with:


minikube --namespace api service app --url

If you issue a request to that app, will you get a successful response?

Let's try that:


Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host

The error is expected since you haven't deployed the data store yet.

Keep the terminal open.

Open a new terminal to carry out the next set of steps.

Deploying the Data store

The Data store service is another headless web application listening on port 8081.

When a client makes any request to it, the Data store:

  1. Looks for a token in the request header. If there isn't one, it replies with an HTTP 401 error response.
  2. Checks the token with the Kubernetes API for its validity. If it's invalid, it replies with an HTTP 403 response.
  3. Finally, when the token is valid, it replies to the original request.

You can create the data store with:


kubectl apply -f service_accounts/data-store/deployment.yaml
namespace/data-store created
serviceaccount/data-store created created
deployment.apps/app created
service/app created

Now, use curl to make a request to the API service again:


Hello from data store. You have been authenticated

The data store service successfully verified the token and replied to the API.

The API forwards the request to you.

What if you make a request directly to the Data store?

Retrieve the URL of the Data store with:


minikube --namespace data-store service app --url

Let's use curl to make a request to it:


X-Client-Id not supplied

It does not work.

But you could supply a dummy X-Client-Id header:


curl -H 'X-Client-Id: dummy'
Invalid token


It does not work!

You protected the data store from unauthenticated access using Kubernetes and Service Accounts.

You can only make requests to it if you have a valid token.

But how does all of that work? Let's find out.

Under the hood

Service Accounts are a way to associate your Kubernetes workloads with an identity.

You can combine a Service Account with a Role and a RoleBinding to define what or who can access what resources in a cluster.

For example, when you want to restrict reading Secrets only to admin users in the cluster, you can do so using a Service Account.

  • Service Accounts are identities. Identities can be assigned to Users as well as to Pods.

    Service Accounts are identities. Identities can be assigned to Users as well as to Pods.

  • Roles are a list of permissions linked to a namespace. ClusterRole are a list of permissions available cluster-wide.

    Roles are a list of permissions linked to a namespace. ClusterRole are a list of permissions available cluster-wide.

  • Identities don't have any permissions unless you link them to a Role. You can use ClusterRoleBindings to link identities to a ClusterRole.

    Identities don't have any permissions unless you link them to a Role. You can use ClusterRoleBindings to link identities to a ClusterRole.

  • You can use RoleBindings to link identities to a Role.

    You can use RoleBindings to link identities to a Role.

Service Accounts aren't just for users, though.

You can authenticate humans as well as applications in the cluster.

If you want your applications to list all the available Pods in the cluster, you will need to create a Service Account that is associated with read-only access to the Pod API.

When you deployed two apps earlier, you also created two Service Accounts:


kubectl get serviceaccount --namespace api
api       1         4m5s
default   1         4m5s
kubectl get serviceaccount --namespace data-store
NAME           SECRETS   AGE
default        1         6m4s
data-store   1         6m4s

Those Service Account are the identities associated with the apps, but they don't define what permissions are granted.

For that, you might need to list the Role and ClusterRoles:


kubectl get rolebindings,clusterrolebindings \
  --all-namespaces \
  -o custom-columns='KIND:kind,,SERVICE_ACCOUNTS:subjects[?(@.kind=="ServiceAccount")].name'
KIND                 ROLE                       SERVICE_ACCOUNTS
RoleBinding          kube-proxy                 <none>
ClusterRoleBinding   cluster-admin              <none>
ClusterRoleBinding   kubeadm:get-nodes          <none>
ClusterRoleBinding   role-tokenreview-binding   data-store
# truncated

The command above uses kubectl custom columns to filter the output of kubectl get.

The table shows what RoleBinding is linked to a Role (and what ClusterRoleBinding is linked to a ClusterRole).

The only component that has any Role is the Data store.

There's no Role or Rolebinding for the API.

How come you can have a Service Account without a Role and RoleBinding?

The API app has an empty Service Account that doesn't have any sort of permission.

However, you can use that Service Account identity to authenticate the request to the Kubernetes API (but you can't create, update, delete, etc. resources).

What about the Data store?

What kind of access does it have?

Let's review the ClusterRoleBinding with:


kubectl describe clusterrolebinding role-tokenreview-binding
Name:         role-tokenreview-binding
Labels:       <none>
Annotations:  <none>
  Kind:  ClusterRole
  Name:  system:auth-delegator
  Kind            Name        Namespace
  ----            ----        ---------
  ServiceAccount  data-store  data-store

From the output above, you can tell that the ClusterRoleBinding links the data-store Service Account to the system:auth-delegator ClusterRole.

What permissions grants the ClusterRole?

Let's find out with:


kubectl describe clusterrole system:auth-delegator
Name:         system:auth-delegator
Annotations: true
  Resources                                  Non-Resource URLs  Resource Names  Verbs
  ---------                                  -----------------  --------------  -----         []                 []              [create]  []                 []              [create]

The system:auth-delegator ClusterRole has the permissions to call the Token Review API.

What kind of permission is that?

You can use kubectl with the can-i subcommand and the impersonation --as flag to test permissions:


kubectl auth can-i create deployments --as=data-store --namespace data-store
kubectl auth can-i list pods --as=data-store --namespace data-store
kubectl auth can-i delete services --as=data-store --namespace data-store

You can keep querying all Kubernetes resources, but the Service Account has only one permission.


kubectl auth can-i create tokenreviews --as=sa-test-1

What's a TokenReview?

Issuing requests to the Kubernetes API

The Kubernetes API verifies Service Account identities.

In particular, there's a specific component in charge of validating and rejecting them: the Token Review API.

The Token Review API accepts tokens and returns if they are valid or not — yes, it's that simple.

Let's manually validate the identity for the API component against the Token Review API.

It's the Token Review API, so you might need a token.

What token, though?

Every time you create a Service Account, Kubernetes creates a Secret.

The Secret holds the token for the Service Account, and you can use that token to call the Kubernetes API.

That's the token that should be validated against the Token Review API.

So let's retrieve the token for the API Service Account with:


kubectl --namespace api describe serviceaccount api
Name:                api
Mountable secrets:   api-token-lxcb4
Tokens:              api-token-lxcb4

Then to inspect the Secret object, you can issue the following command:


kubectl --namespace api describe secret api-token-lxcb4
Name:         api-token-lxcb4

ca.crt:     1111 bytes
namespace:  3 bytes
token:      eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6…

The token object in the Data is a base64 encoded object representing a JSON web token payload.

It's time to verify the token.

To verify the validity of the token, you need to create a TokenReview resource:


kind: TokenReview
  name: test
  token: eyJhbGciOiJS…

You can validate the request with:


kubectl apply -o yaml -f token.yaml

Please notice the flag -o yaml that displays the output of the kubectl apply command.

When you issue the command, the response should look as follows:

kind: TokenReview
  name: test
  token: eyJhbGciOiJS…
  - api
  authenticated: true
    - system:serviceaccounts
    - system:serviceaccounts:api
    - system:authenticated
    uid: 7df3a132-c9fe-48d1-9fa5-b654c3156977
    username: system:serviceaccount:api:api

The critical information in the response is in the status object with the following fields:

Excellent, you just verified the Service Account token!

You know that:

Since you can validate and verify any token, you could leverage the mechanism in your Data Store component to authenticate and authorise requests!

Let's have a look at how you could include the above logic in your apps using the Kubernetes Go client.

Implementation of the services

Here's how the two services interact with each other and the Kubernetes API:

  1. At startup, an API component reads the Service Account token and keeps it in memory.
  2. The API component calls the data store passing the token as an HTTP header — i.e. X-Client-Id.
  3. When the data store receives a request, it reads the token from the X-Client-Id header and issues a request to the Token Review API to check its validity.
  4. If the response is authenticated, the data store component replies with a successful message, otherwise a 401 error.

The following diagram represents the above call flow:

  • The API component has the Service Account token assigned.

    The API component has the Service Account token assigned.

  • When you make a request to the API, the token is passed in all subsequent requests.

    When you make a request to the API, the token is passed in all subsequent requests.

  • The Data store will retrieve the token from the request.

    The Data store will retrieve the token from the request.

  • The Data store validates the identity with the Token Review API.

    The Data store validates the identity with the Token Review API.

First, let's look at the implementation of the API service.

You can find the application code in the file service_accounts/api/main.go.

The Service Account Token is automatically mounted in /var/run/secrets/ and you could read its value with:


func readToken() {
  b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/var/run/secrets/")
  if err != nil {
  serviceToken = string(b)

Then, the Service Token is passed on to the call to the Secret store service in the X-Client-Id HTTP header:


func handleIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
client := &http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", serviceConnstring, nil)
if err != nil {
req.Header.Add("X-Client-Id", serviceToken)
resp, err := client.Do(req)

As soon as the reply from the Secret store is received, it is then sent back as a response:


if err != nil {
  http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
} else {
  defer resp.Body.Close()
  body, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
  io.WriteString(w, string(body))

The following YAML manifest is used to deploy the API service:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: api
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: api
  namespace: api
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: app
  namespace: api
  replicas: 1
      app: api
        app: api
      serviceAccount: api
      - name: app
        image: amitsaha/k8s-sa-volume-demo-api:sa-1
        - name: LISTEN_ADDR
          value: ":8080"
          value: ""
        - containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: app
  namespace: api
  type: NodePort
    app: api
    - port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080

You will notice that there is nothing special about the Deployment manifest above apart from having a Service Account associated with it.

Let's move onto the data store service.

You can find the complete application in service_accounts/data-store/main.go.

The data store service does two key things:

  1. It retrieves the value of the X-Client-Id header from the incoming request.
  2. It then invokes the Kubernetes Token Review API to check if the token is valid.

Step (1) is performed by the following code:


clientId := r.Header.Get("X-Client-Id")
if len(clientId) == 0 {
  http.Error(w, "X-Client-Id not supplied", http.StatusUnauthorized)

Then, step (2) is performed using the Kubernetes Go client.

First, we create a ClientSet object:


config, err := rest.InClusterConfig()
clientset, err := kubernetes.NewForConfig(config)

The InClusterConfig() function automatically reads the Service Account Token for the Pod, and hence you do not have to specify the path manually.

Then, you construct a TokenReview object specifying the token you want to validate in the Token field:


tr := authv1.TokenReview{
  Spec: authv1.TokenReviewSpec{
      Token: clientId,

Finally, you can create a TokenReview request with:


result, err := clientset.AuthenticationV1().TokenReviews().Create(ctx, &tr, metav1.CreateOptions{})

The following YAML manifest will create the various resources needed for the data store service:


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: data-store
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: data-store
  namespace: data-store
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: role-tokenreview-binding
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: system:auth-delegator
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: data-store
  namespace: data-store
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: app
  namespace: data-store
  replicas: 1
      app: data-store
        app: data-store
      serviceAccount: data-store
      - name: app
        image: amitsaha/k8s-sa-volume-demo-ss:sa-1
        - name: LISTEN_ADDR
          value: ":8081"
        - containerPort: 8081
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: app
  namespace: data-store
    app: data-store
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 8081

Compared to the API service, the data store service requires a ClusterRoleBinding resource to be created, which associates the data-store Service Account to the system:auth-delegator ClusterRole.

Go back to the terminal session where you deployed the data store service and inspect the logs:


kubectl --namepsace data-store logs <data-store-pod-id>
2020/11/26 03:17:43 {
	"authenticated": true,
	"user": {
		"username": "system:serviceaccount:api:api",
		"uid": "a693c26c-1b2e-47d0-a026-21802365f8d4",
		"groups": [
	"audiences": [

The output is a Go structure version of the JSON response you saw earlier.

Thus, you see how the API component reads the Service Account Token and passes it to the Data store as a way to authenticate itself.

The Data store service retrieves the token and checks it with the Kubernetes API.

When valid, the Data store component allows the request from the API service to be processed.

The implementation works well, but it suffers from three drawbacks:

One Secret for every Service Account

When you create a Service Account, Kubernetes creates a companion Secret object with a token.

You use the token to authenticate with the Kubernetes API.

In this example, you can inspect the Service Account and find the token with:


kubectl --namespace api describe serviceaccount api
Name:                api
Namespace:           api
Mountable secrets:   api-token-ttr8q
Tokens:              api-token-ttr8q

Which matches the Secret object in the namespace:


kubectl get secrets --namespace api
NAME                  TYPE

However, any workload that can read a secret in a namespace can also read the Service Account tokens in the same namespace.

In other words, you could have any other Pod using the same Service Account to authenticate against the Kubernetes API — effectively impersonating someone else.

Unfortunately, there's no mechanism to restrict access to a subset of Secrets in a namespace.

The application has access to all of them, or none of them.

You could create a namespace for every app and store a Service Account in it, but that's often overkilled.

Long live the Service Account's token

The tokens associated with a Service Account are long-lived and do not expire.

In other words, once you have access to one of them, you can use it forever (or until the administrator deletes the Secret associated with the token).

You could manually rotate identities by manually removing and re-assigning Service Accounts.

If it sounds like a lot of work, it's because it is.

No audience binding of the tokens

As a cluster administrator, you cannot associate a token with a specific audience.

Anyone with access to the Service Account token can authenticate with the Kubernetes API and is authorised to communicate with any other service running inside the cluster.

The destination service doesn't have any way to verify whether the token it was presented with was meant for itself at all.

As an example, imagine buying a ticket for a flight from London to New York.

If you buy a ticket from British Airways, you can't use the ticket to board a Virgin Atlantic flight.

Your ticket is bound to a particular audience (British Airways).

But in the case of Kubernetes, the same ticket (token) can be used with any airline (audience).

You could solve both challenges by implementing solutions such as mutual TLS or using a JWT based solution with a central authority server.

However, in Kubernetes, you can use the Service Account Token Volume Projection feature to create time-bound and audience-specific Service Account Tokens which do not persist in the cluster store.

The Kubernetes API server acts as the central authority server, and you don't have to worry about expiring tokens.

This feature was introduced in Kubernetes 1.12 and gained further improvements in 1.13 and provides a more secure alternative to workload-specific service accounts.

This will be promoted to a GA feature in the upcoming Kubernetes 1.20 release.

In the next part of the article, you will re-implement the same code for authenticating apps using the Service Account Token Volume Projection.

It's a good idea to clean up the two namespaces with:


kubectl delete namespace api
namespace "api" deleted
kubectl delete namespace data-store
namespace "data-store" deleted

Inter-Service authentication using Service Account Token Volume Projection

The Service Account Tokens made available to workloads via the Service Account Token Volume Projection (ProjectedServiceAccountToken) are time-limited, audience bound and are not associated with secret objects.

If a Pod is deleted or the Service Account is removed, these tokens become invalid, thus preventing any misuse.

A serviceAccountToken volume projection is one of the projected volume types.

A projected volume is a volume that mounts several existing volumes into the same directory.

When this volume type is added to a Pod, the Service Account Token is mounted on the filesystem — in the same way that the Service Account Tokens are mounted.

There's a difference though.

The kubelet automatically rotates the token when it's about to expire.

In addition, you can configure the path at which you want this token to be available.

Let's see how you can amend the API component to include the Service Account Token Volume Projection.

The API component

You can read the Service Account Token mounted via volume projection with:


b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("/var/run/secrets/tokens/api-token")
serviceToken = string(b)

Note how the path to the Service Account Token is different from the previous case (i.e. it used to be /var/run/secrets/

Since the Service Account Token Volume Projection feature relies on the token being refreshed periodically by the kubelet, it is recommended to re-read the token every 5 minutes in the app.

You can accomplish this via a ticker in Go as follows:


ticker := time.NewTicker(300 * time.Second)
done := make(chan bool)

go func() {
    for {
        select {
      case <-done:
      case <-ticker.C:

The readToken() function reads the file, /var/run/secrets/tokens/api-token and sets the global variable, serviceToken to the token value.

If you are not familiar with Go's ticker, think of a ticker as a background thread which runs a function at periodic intervals.

You can find the entire application code in service_accounts_volume_projection/api/main.go.

Now, let's deploy this service.

You will use that image in the deployment manifest (service_accounts_volume_projection/api/deployment.yaml):


apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: api
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: api
  namespace: api
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: app
  namespace: api
  replicas: 1
      app: api
        app: api
      serviceAccount: api
        - name: api-token
            - serviceAccountToken:
                path: api-token
                expirationSeconds: 600
                audience: data-store
      - name: app
        image: amitsaha/k8s-sa-volume-demo-api:sa-2
        - name: LISTEN_ADDR
          value: ":8080"
          value: ""
        - containerPort: 8080
          - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/tokens
            name: api-token
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: app
  namespace: api
  type: NodePort
    app: api
    - port: 8080
      targetPort: 8080

A volume named api-token of projected type will be created with the source being serviceAccountToken.

The volume defines three additional properties:

  1. The path where the token will be available inside the configured volume.
  2. The audience field specifies what the intended audience for the token is (if not specified, it defaults to api).
  3. The expirationSeconds indicate how long a token is valid for - the minimum is 600 seconds or 10 minutes.

Please notice how the audience field specifies that this Service Account Token is allowed to communicate only with services that identify themselves as a data-store.

If you omit data-store as an audience in the Secret store component, the API won't be able to talk to it — it's not its audience!

Note that if you are deploying a Pod to use this feature in a cluster with Pod Security Policies enforced, you will need to ensure that the projected volume type is allowed.

You can create a new API deployment with:


kubectl apply -f service_accounts_volume_projection/api/deployment.yaml
namespace/api created
serviceaccount/api created
deployment.apps/app created
service/app created

Retrieve the URL of the API service with:


minikube --namespace api service app --url

You can issue a request with:


Get "": dial tcp: lookup no such host

This is expected as the data store is not yet deployed.

Keep the terminal open.

Next, let's modify and deploy the data store service.

Data Store

The token review payload for the data store will now be as follows:


tr := authv1.TokenReview{
  pec: authv1.TokenReviewSpec{
    Token:  clientId,
    Audiences:  []string{"data-store"},

Now, in the TokenReview object, the Data store explicitly passes data-store as the audience.

If the token doesn't include data-store as an audience, the Token Review API will not authorise the request.

In other words, the Data store service can assert the identity of the caller and validate that the incoming request token was meant for the data store service.

You can find the entire application code in service_accounts_volume_projection/data-store/main.go.

Next, let's deploy this service.

You can create the deployment with:


kubectl apply -f service_accounts_volume_projection/data-store/deployment.yaml
namespace/data-store created
serviceaccount/data-store created created
deployment.apps/app created
service/app created

Let's check if the service is up and running correctly:


kubectl --namespace data-store describe service app
Name:           app
Namespace:      data-store
Labels:         <none>
Selector:       app=data-store
Type:           ClusterIP
Port:           <unset>  80/TCP
TargetPort:     8081/TCP

The value of Endpoints in the output above tells us that app is now up and running.

Now, use curl to make a request to the API service again:


Hello from data store. You have been authenticated

You should inspect the logs of the Secret store with:


kubectl --namespace data-store logs <pod id>
2020/11/26 02:04:51 {
	"authenticated": true,
Groups:[system:serviceaccounts system:serviceaccounts:api system:authenticated],
	"user": {
		"username": "system:serviceaccount:api:api",
		"uid": "0d32dccd-3d84-4955-b6e8-bbc362debb52", [1b37a3f4-54f1-419c-b435-affce3f4a0f3],},},
		"groups": [
		"extra": {
			"": [
			"": [
	"audiences": [

In you switch to the logs of the API service, you should see the following lines that demonstrate when the Service Account Token is re-read from the filesystem:


2020/08/26 05:03:43 Refreshing service account token
2020/08/26 05:13:42 Refreshing service account token
2020/08/26 05:18:42 Refreshing service account token


Service Account Token Volume projection allows you to associate non-global, time-bound and audience bound service tokens to your Kubernetes workloads.

In this article, you saw an example of using it for authentication between your services and how it is a better alternative to using the default Service Account Tokens.

Kubernetes native software such as Linkerd and Istio are embracing it for their internal communication and managed Kubernetes service providers such as GKE and AWS EKS are using this projection volume type to enable more robust pod identity systems.

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